James Webb Space Telescope: An Astronomer on the Team Explains How to Send a Giant Telescope to Space – and Why

An award-winning astronomer who participated in the development and testing of the James Webb Space Telescope gives us a ‘behind the scenes’ look at what this incredibly powerful space telescope can, and hopefully will, accomplish. Continue reading

Nuggets of Wisdom: From Our Readers; For Our Readers

We reached out again this issue to our readers – this time, to share the gifts of wisdom that they’ve received. Once again, we were delighted with the response, and relished the variety of stories, personal reflections, proverbs, prayers, poetry, music, photography, paintings, and quotes. Best of all, we now get to share these wonderful nuggets of wisdom with you. Continue reading

Reflections of Beauty

What If You Pursued Contentment Rather Than Happiness?

Reflections of Beauty

Contentment—the knowledge that things are okay exactly as they are, right now—is highly valued by many cultures around the world. In our fast-paced western culture, however, contentment doesn’t often make it on our wish list. Daniel Cordaro and his research team set out to learn more about how to make contentment a reality. Continue reading