A Conversation with Dr. Robert J. Wicks

A prolific writer of over 50 books and a popular international speaker/teacher, Dr. Wicks is widely known for his work in Rwanda, Cambodia and numerous other countries helping to restore traumatized lives in the wake of massive tragedies. He continues to guide people all over the world in discovering their strengths and taking charge of their self-care, integrating sound psychology and basic spiritual truths. Continue reading

A Conversation with Br. Mickey McGrath, OSFS

Br. Mickey McGrath is a Religious Brother in the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales. He is also an award-winning artist and writer, as well as being a popular speaker and retreat leader. Br. Mickey’s enthusiasm for new experiences and his love for people shines like a beacon wherever he goes, as he celebrates the connections between art, beauty, and faith. Continue reading

Rumi Reminds Me That No Religion Has A Monopoly On Beauty Or Truth

Rev. Kadee Smedley developed a deep appreciation of the works of this 13th-century Persian poet – which in turn sparked unexpected insights into her own faith, and into the inherent goodness and truth in other faith traditions. In this open-hearted essay, she reminds us that there is much we can learn from one another. Continue reading