On the Beach at Night Alone

On the Beach at Night Alone

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A grand and thrilling poem, inspired by the glowing night skies above us, that speaks to the interlocking connections and kinship of everyone and everything. Continue reading

When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer

When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer

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Poet Walt Whitman is often called “the poet of the people”, for his earthy take on American life. In this poem, his expansive voice tells of an experience that culminates in a shining moment under a mystical sky. Continue reading

This Moment, Yearning and Thoughtful

This Moment, Yearning and Thoughtful

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Along with Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman is considered one of American’s most important poets. In this radiant poem he transcends patriotism, looking beyond America’s shores to remind us about the inherent beauty of all people. Continue reading